Essential Pool Repairs You Need To Have Done Before Opening This Year

Over the winter months, a closed pool is vulnerable to damage that needs attention in spring. Some of the problems are due to routine maintenance, while others require repairs. Before you get ready to open this year, you will want to address these issues. Therefore, you want to get an early start on the pool repairs you need to have done this year.

Damaged Pool Surfaces

The pool surfaces are often damaged due to wear, which can be worse during cold weather. Therefore, you will need to inspect pool surfaces for various types of damage that need to be repaired, including:

  • Stains and mineral deposits on surfaces
  • Cracked surfaces inside the pool  
  • Cracks in couping and pool deck surfaces

This damage is often caused by moisture and freezing temperatures. As the water turns to ice, it causes the materials to expand and crack. These problems can become worse as the temperatures get warmer.

The issues with the damaged surfaces will be easier to repair if you catch them in time. Usually, repairs can be done quickly while you are doing other maintenance to your pool. If the damage to surfaces is extensive, talk to your repair contractor about resurfacing options.

Filtration System Issues

Pool equipment is the most vulnerable area where repairs are going to be needed. Sometimes, filtration systems wear out, or there may be damage to other components. When inspecting the pool equipment, problems that you are going to want to look for include:

  • Failing seals that cause leaks and equipment problems
  • Cracked pipes and connections due to winter damage
  • Issues with pumps not circulating water effectively for filtration

Make sure to inspect your equipment for these issues to have repairs done in time for the summer opening. This will ensure you don't have to shut your pool down to repair or replace equipment when you should be swimming in it.

In addition, there are also options to update the pool equipment before summer. You may want to consider options like sand or saltwater filtration systems. There are also money-saving improvements that reduce the costs of keeping your pool open. Efficiency improvements like solar water heaters, LED pool lights, and variable speed pumps can reduce energy costs.

The problems with your pool are often minor issues that are easy to repair before opening. So, don't wait and call a pool repair service like All-American Pools to fix the damage before it gets worse this summer.
